Yesterday I met Julie Andrews at a book signing for her new book Home: A Memoir of My Early Years. I was one of 150 people who got our books signed at the Union Square Barnes and Noble. She spoke with each and every person in the line, even though she was unable to personalize the books. Unfortunately I am a big spaz at book signings. I never know what to say, and most of the time say something silly or awkward, and this time was no exception. Julie Andrews was only #1 on my list of people I would want to meet so I was shaking like crazy and stuttering over my words. Hopefully she saw so many people she will forget, but I will always have the memory of her speaking directly to me in that legendary voice and that is what is really important. I did manage to say a few nice things about how much her movies mean to me and my family and got a book for my sister signed, a surprise late birthday present for her.

April appears to be family month. I saw my Aunt from California for the first time in years last night, in town for a spanish wine event. My grandmother is visiting at the month for a doll event. In preparation for her visit I got a new sofa and a new bed. YAY!!! My apartment is looking like a real home rather than a glorified dorm room. The sofa is my new favorite thing, bright red, bouncy, cushy, and huge.
My craftiness is totally genetic passed down from my grandmothers and mom. My grandmother on my mom's side owns half a doll shop and has been making porcelain dolls for years. She pours the molds, fires them in her kiln, makes the clothes, paints the faces, everything. My grandmother on my father's side was a prolific textile crafter. She liked to spin, knit, crochet and sew. She recently passed away and I went to Florida to spend some time with my dad and grandfather and learned some of the extent of her crafting. Her spinning wheel is now residing in Brooklyn with me. Although the reason for th trip was sad, the trip itself was very rewarding. It is a treat to see my dad more than once a year. My grandfather is very fun. He taught me all about oranges and tangerines which he grows in his yard. He juices and freezes enough orange juice to have it all year, and let me tell you, it is amazing. I hate orange juice normally, but fresh squeezed is so sweet and tastes like soccer practice, green grass and afternoon showers. My dad and I ate tangerines right off the tree in the front yard and I always say, I don't like a lot of fruit unless I am eating it outside with my dad. Cherries can only be eaten with my dad on the back porch.