Shayne at Geek Crafts
Jenny Ryan at the Craft Magazine Blog
Meredith Woerner at io9
Tim Quirino at Geekadelphia
AMC's SciFi Scanner
-although geez AMC, way to wield the double edged compliment! No, my knit hat does not compare to Tricia Helfer, She's Tricia fraking Helfer!! But thanks for using us in the same sentence, and in the same post as RDM news.
and Thanks to all the other twitters, live journals and blogs my pattern has popped up on.
This is what traffic to my blog looked like this past week.

I must say it has been unnerving going to my favorite blogs and seeing my face all over the place, so it's a good thing I can hide behind my latest finished project (finished project 4 of 2009) when I am feeling overly exposed, or exposed to the elements since it has been damned cold here lately.

This cowl is based off Cookie A's Monkey sock pattern but knit without purls. The yarn is Socks That Rock I picked up at Rhinebeck. I have to show some blog love to that ring I am wearing. It was my gift to myself from the Bust Craftacular this year. It is ridiculous, sparkly, and huge and I absolutely had to have it. I managed to line up early enough to get a gift bag, and I saw Amy Sedaris. So much fun.
My pal J decided he needed in on the Cylon hat action too, so I got some better pictures of the hat on him if you want to see it in better light and from the side. For some reason my apartment is like the black hole of light and I get much better pictures at work.

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